Sunday, March 23, 2014

Monthly Rehearsal Studios

If you are reading this blog, chances are you are looking for a monthly rehearsal studio.  At Soundcheck, we specialize in providing the highest quality, cleanest, and safest experience for our clients.  With a number of years, and locations in our brand, we would like to think we have learned a thing or two on how to make the best use of a rehearsal studio. Whether you are a tenant of Soundcheck, or another studio, these same tips apply across the board.  Enjoy!

1. Why is a 24 hour facility important?

Long before I owned rehearsal studios, I was a musician.  A touring musician, at that.  Nothing was worse after coming home from 2 weeks on the road than having to leave my car loaded down with gear (because there was no space for it in my house),  until my storage unit was "open" to drop it off.  I cant tell you how many horror stories we receive of bands leaving gear in a car....that gets stolen.  The main advantage of having a rehearsal studio that is open 24 hours is you can always bring your gear back to your studio on YOUR time schedule.  Or, if you are a night owl, playing Stairway at full volume at 3 am.

2. We can share the space with 3 other bands.

Yeah. Right.  Quality is better than quantity.  We often see bands "running into each other" for a rehearsal.  It's never a pretty sight.  If you take your art seriously, try to not share a room with too many other bands.  They will do all the rehearsing, and you will do all the waiting.

3. Couches and Guitar cases.

I actually rent a studio from myself, and I have learned to use some pretty cool methods to maximize space and gear "extras" such as cases and couches.  With a few dollars at home depot, you can purchase latches that combine your flight cases into a stackable platform to either stack your amps OR attaching a leather top.  Since we use carpet on the walls at Soundcheck, that is our couch back and we have cushions we cover in leather to afix to the top of the cases.  It's a cheap, but very useful, way to use your unused gear to your advantage...... and to save money from renting a room that is too big for your budget.

4. P.A.'s.  Why?

You do not need a PA in your rehearsal studio.  You need a vocal monitor.  Plain and simple.  I still have yet to figure out why bands have PA's anymore.  Most decent clubs have their own sound systems, and I would hope if you are renting a rehearsal studio, you are getting gigs at those clubs.  If you have one, sell everything but your mics, cables, board, and a couple of monitors.  The mains and subs will only ruin a rehearsal for how you really sound, and the point is to practice to get better.

We have a ton more tips coming your way, so stay tuned at BANDPRACTICEROOMS.COM.  Thanks!